
Fiducial Markers

Fiducial markers can function as identifiers for robots, rooms, and objects, as well as serve tasks in augmented reality and 3d mapping.
AprilTags are a visual fiducial system that takes tags created from an ordinary printer. The AprilTag software can compute the 3D position, orientation, and identity of tags relative to the camera’s viewpoint.


This section requires the catkin_ws to be initialized and the turtlebot_dabit package created.
Please click here to learn how to initialize the catkin workspace


Installation should be done on both master and turtlebot computers

  1. Install the OpenCV and GCAL libraries
    1. sudo apt install libopencv* libcgal-dev libcgal-qt5*
  2. Download, the apriltags-cpp opencv library
    1. cd ~/workspace
    2. git clone -b kinetic-devel https://github.com/dabit-industries/apriltags_cpp
    3. mkdir apriltags_cpp/build
    4. cd apriltags_cpp/build
    5. cmake ..
    6. make
    7. sudo make install
  3. Download the apriltags library
    1. git clone -b kinetic-devel https://github.com/dabit-industries/apriltags
  4. Build the apriltags packasge
    1. cd ~/catkin_ws
    2. catkin_make

To generate and print AprilTags, you can convert the postscript to a pdf, or you can use a postscript viewer such as gv.
For this tutorial, we will convert the postscript file to a pdf for printing.
The page number in the .pdf corresponds to the tag ID (eg. page 1 is tag ID 1)

  1. Convert the postscript file 36h11.ps into a pdf
    This will create a 587-page long PDF with 587 different apriltags.
    1. cd ~/catkin_ws/src/apriltags/tags/
    2. ps2pdf 36h11.ps 36h11.pdf
  2. Open the generated pdf, and print the first 5 pages
    1. evince ~/catkin_ws/src/apriltags/tags/36h11.pdf
    2. Go to File>print
      1. Under Range click pages and type 1-5

Measure the AprilTags

!! This step is not neccesary if you are printing on standard letter paper with the steps above.
With the steps above, the width measurement is 161mm
In order to have accurate tag localization, you need to get the width of the tag in millimeters:

  1. Take one of the tags, and lay it on a flat surface
  2. With a ruler or tape measure, measure the width of the tag box

Create a launch file

  1. Create a new launch file in your turtlebot_dabit/launch directory:
    1. cd ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot_dabit/launch
    2. gedit fiducial.launch


Running the fiducial marker launch

  1. On the turtlebot laptop, open a new terminal:
    1. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh
    2. roslaunch turtlebot_dabit fiducial.launch

View the apriltag detections

You can view the apriltag detection window on either the turtlebot or master laptop.

  1. Open a new terminal:
    1. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh
    2. rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view image:=/apriltags/detections_image

Get tag ID and position of markers

On either the turtlebot or master laptop:

  1. Open a new terminal:
    1. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh
    2. rostopic echo /apriltags/detections


Sometimes catkin_make fails. You have to run catkin_make again after it fails.

If you get an error message about ROS MESSAGES, source the catkin_workspace setup: source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh

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