
ROS Arduino


This section requires the catkin_ws to be initialized and the turtlebot_dabit package created.
Please click here to learn how to initialize the catkin workspace

This section requires the rosserial_arduino package to be setup.
Please click here to learn how to set up rosserial_arduino

Sending data to the Arduino

As an example to send data to the Arduino, we will use the blink example.o tutorial. More informatino can be pulled up, here

  1. Upload the following code to your Arduino:
/* rosserial Subscriber Example */

#include <ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Bool.h>

ros::NodeHandle  nh;

void messageCb( const std_msgs::Bool& msg){
  digitalWrite(13, msg.data);   // set the pin state to the message data

ros::Subscriber<std_msgs::Bool> sub("/arduino/led", &messageCb );

void setup()
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop()

Connecting to the Arduino

  1. Launch the arduino.launch
    • source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh
    • roslaunch turtlebot_dabit arduino.launch

Communicating with the Arduino

  1. Type
    • rostopic list
  2. With the above example,and ROSSERIAL running, we can see in rostopic our Arduino topic:
    • /arduino/led
  3. You can send data to this topic by using rostopic pub:
    • rostopic pub /arduino/led std_msgs/Bool True
    • rostopic pub /arduino/led std_msgs/Bool False

Additional Tutorials

ROSSERIAL has recently improved their tutorials, and have a very wide selection of examples. Check out the ROSSerial_Arduino Tutorials


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