
Automated Environment Setup

This tool sets up the turtlebot2-tutorials environment so that the tutorials can run without setup. It assumes that the ROS setup has been completed.


Use git to copy this entire repository onto your Turtlebot and Master computer and follow the other commands:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/dabit-industries/turtlebot2-tutorials ~/turtlebot2-tutorials

If you’d like the most recent version of the code on this site, you can update it with following commands:

cd ~/turtlebot2-tutorials
git pull


These commands are to be run on both the Master and Turtlebot computer

  1. On the command line, navigate to the repository folder:
    1. cd ~/turtlebot2-tutorials
  2. Run the environment setup program:
    1. source ~/turtlebot2-tutorials/Setup/automated/automate.sh
      • You should see: Environment setup successful
  3. Run our utility to check, copy, and compile all the code:
    1. dabit-setup-utility install
      • This code requires some interaction, please follow along in the terminal
      • This may take a while as it is getting all the dependencies and building all the code
      • This code moves the existing ~/catkin_ws and ~/workspace to ~/backup/old_workspace_DD-MM-YY_hh-mm-ss
    2. On the Master Computer, set your MASTER_IP:
      • change_master IP_OF_TURTLEBOT
  4. Test a code example:
    1. In a new terminal:
      • type: roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
    2. In a new terminal:
      • type: rosrun turtlebot_dabit roscpp_hello_world
      • You should see the following in your terminal:

          [ INFO] [1492930878.699859775]: Hello from ROS node /roscpp_example

Running Updates

These commands are to be run on both the master and turtlebot computer

  1. On the command line, use our setup utility to do an update:
    • dabit-setup-utility update
  2. Reset your workspace:
    • dabit-setup-utility reset
      • This code moves the existing ~/catkin_ws and ~/workspace to ~/backup/old_workspace_DD-MM-YY_hh-mm-ss
  3. Install the new workspace:
    • dabit-setup-utility install
      • This code requires some interaction, please follow along in the terminal
      • This may take a while as it is getting all the dependencies and building all the code
      • This code moves the existing ~/catkin_ws and ~/workspace to ~/backup/old_workspace_DD-MM-YY_hh-mm-ss
  4. On the Turtlebot, open a terminal and type:
    • roslaunch turtlebot_dabit turtlebot.launch

Running ROSPY Sample Code:

Running ROSCPP Sample Code:

Running ROS Arduino:

  1. roslaunch turtlebot_dabit arduino.launch

Running Wanderer Code:



  1. rqt applications don’t run
    • I.E. rqt_image_view doesn’t run
    • sudo apt remove python-qt4